Onyfix® Toenail Correction

Onyfix® Toenail Correction

Onyfix® is a revolutionary form of new nail correction technology developed in Germany. It is an innovative form of pain-free treatment used for involuted, pincer and ingrowing toenails

Our team of podiatrists here in Sheffield have now been given the toenail correction training from Only Footcare Ltd on how to properly use and apply this new form of treatment to help cure your stubborn or painful toenails.

What are the main benefits of Onyfix®?

It's a class 1 medical device

Meaning it has a minuscule potential to cause harm to the user. Other class 1 medical devices include elastic bandages, glasses and bandaids.

There are no restrictions

The Onyfix® band doesn't prevent you from doing anything that you usually would.

It's painless

Both the application of the Onyfix® band and general day-to-day living with the band is entirely painless.

It's all-natural

The Onyfix® band encourages your nails natural growth but in the correct way. It doesn't use any harmful chemicals or treatments to alter your nail.

It’s completely safe

The Onyfix® band is perfect for all patients, even those with illnesses that could cause severe foot problems, such as diabetes.

It's polishable

Nail polish and topicals are still perfectly fine to be used with the Onyfix® band, meaning you can still have those pretty colours on your toenails.

How does the Onyfix band work?

Onyfix® is a class 1 Medical Device that can be affixed to the widest part of a nail that is broken, damaged or miss-shapen. When your nail grows, the onyfix® band will help it grow back into it's natural position and shape. 

Prior to the application of the Onyfix® band, your nail will be fully cleaned and tidied, removing any loose nail debris to prevent you from feeling any further discomfort.

We will then apply the Onyfix® composite to the nail at it's widest part. This will create a type of band across the toe, encouraging the nail to grow back in the right shape and correct position. The band can also be applied to the corner of the nail, where it is pinching, to provide instant relief from pain. 

Next, we will cure the composite using a special LED light, fixing the band permanently to the nail in the correct shape and without any tension. As mentioned previously, as your nail naturally grows, the band will help to keep it in shape and prevent any future misgrowth. 

After a couple of months, when your nail has naturally grown back to a healthy place, the Onyfix® composite band can be removed. The nail will then continue to grow in the correct manner.


  • The process is slower than other forms of treatment, taking up to a couple of months to finish; this is because it uses your nail's natural growth to correct the imbalance. When using an Onyfix® band, the application process, as well as the wearing of the band, is entirely painless and will often provide instant pain relief from troublesome and painful toenails. Onyfix® is a much less aggressive and non-invasive form of treatment when compared to nail surgery, making it perfect for children and those with diabetes.

  • Typically it only takes between 10 - 15 minutes to apply the Onyfix® band, but this is dependent on how much your toenail may need tidying up before application. When undertaking the treatment, we will talk you through every step of the way.

  • The cost of Onyfix® treatment varies per patient. For a new patient, at an initial appointment meeting, it will cost £55 or £42 for returning patients. The full Onyfix® band will then cost £30 or it will be £15 for half a band, depending on the assessment of your nail.

  • The Onyfix® band will typically stay on your nail for around three months. In most cases, the band will stay in place until it has grown past your nail. This can take longer in certain circumstances; your big toenail, for example, can take between 9 and 18 months to fully grow back, meaning you will require multiple bands to be fitted but people do report feeling pain relief very quickly after the band is fitted. Please note: You may have to have multiple bands fitted over time, dependent on the severity of your nail.

  • It's simple! Contact us to book an appointment or use our easy online booking system. We will always first assess your condition and discuss with you which form of treatment we think will be the best solution.

  • Before having the Onyfix® treatment, we must first treat and clear the infection.

Contact us.

94 Baslow Road  Sheffield United Kingdom S17 4DQ

0114 327 2829
