Heel pain treatment.

What Is Heel Pain?

There are many causes of heel pain, including Plantar Fasciitis, Nerve entrapment, heel pad syndrome, retrocalcaneal bursitis, haglands bumps, Achilles tendonitis (tendinopathy), tarsal tunnel syndrome, severs disease, calcaneal (heel) stress fracture.

Plantar Fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain. The Plantar Fascia is a band that connects the heel to the other bones of the foot. Plantar Fasciitis (Fasciopathy) is the thickening of the plantar fascia. Symptoms may include: “first step” pain (meaning your first step after rest is very painful, but this does ease after a few steps but can then get worse after walking or standing for long periods), central heel pain, and pain in the arch.

What Foot Conditions Cause Heel Pain?

Plantar fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is one of the leading causes of heel pain in the UK. Pain occurs then the plantar fascia (a ligament running from the heel bone to the foot’s tip) is stretched too far. This results in the fibres contained within the plantar fascia becoming inflamed which, in turn, causes pain. Pain from plantar fasciitis usually occurs where the ligament joins the heel bone, however, its not uncommon to feel pain in the middle of the foot as well.

Achilles tendinitis

The band of tissue connecting your calf muscles to your heel is called the achilles tendon. This band of tissue is essential when you walk, run or jump. However, if you overuse this tissue, you could end up with achilles tendinitis - an overuse injury. This injury is commonly developed by runners and athletes who have increased the intensity or duration of their workouts and in turn, overused the achilles tendon.

Heel spurs

Similar to achilles tendinitis, heel spurs are common among athletes and people whose day to day activities include a lot of running and jumping. Heel spurs are calcium deposits on the underside of the heel bone which cause a bony protrusion and, in turn, pain in the heel. They can be caused by muscle and ligament strains as well as stretching of the plantar fascia or repeated damage of the heel bone.

Treatment Options

We suggest seeing us if you’ve had the pain for several weeks and it’s not resolved. Things we may discuss with you: Your previous medical history, your medication, and what you have previously tried; we may suggest exercises, footwear changes, orthoses (insoles), night splints, steroid injections, we may suggest referral for surgery.

Tendinopathy & Heel Pain

Tendinopathy is a generalised term used to describe damage to the tendons. Tendinopathy can cause serious pain and even deformity if left untreated. If you’re suffering from heel pain, book an appointment with us today.

A diagnoses of tendinopathy would need to be carried out by a qualified professional such as ourselves. The condition most commonly develops around the ankle and heel and will likely cause both pain and swelling. Pain from tendinopathy typically occurs when weight-bearing and using the tendon, however for some, the tendon can hurt at rest.

Contact us.

94 Baslow Road  Sheffield United Kingdom S17 4DQ

0114 327 2829
