Initial consultation.

(New Patient Appointment)

Initial Consultation (New Patient Appointment)

This will often include routine treatment e.g. corn debridement or we will triage you into a different type of appointment:

What will be included:

We will take a full medical history, including general health issues such as heart conditions, previous cancers, previous fractures and surgeries as this can affect our management plan for you (if you completed our online form we will have already reviewed this and pick out anything we need to discuss with you further).

We ask to review your medication and any supplements and herbal remedies you are taking as again this can help us with our management plan for you.

We will assess your circulation (arterial) to make sure the blood is getting down to your feet. This may simply be by feeling your foot pulses, reviewing your foot colour and skin texture, but we may use a Doppler ultrasound to listen to your pulses or undertake an ankle-brachial pressure index if we have any concerns.

Contact us.

94 Baslow Road  Sheffield United Kingdom S17 4DQ

0114 327 2829