Injection therapy.

What Is Injection Therapy?

We may suggest injections into painful joints and/or soft tissues to reduce pain and inflammation in the affected area.

We mainly use two types of injection: Steroid and Ostenil.

How does injection therapy work?

Steroids are a synthetic version of hormones produced by the adrenal glands, which are two small glands found above the kidneys. When injected into a joint or muscle, steroids reduce redness and swelling

Steroid injection

How could you benefit from injection therapy?

The injection can help to relieve swelling, pain and stiffness caused by inflammation. This can help you rehabilitate effectively and help you to return to normal activities sooner by ‘breaking the cycle’ of pain and inflammation. This is usually recommended to those suffering from overuse syndromes, when other types of physiotherapy don’t work.

It can also aid the diagnosis of your condition if it is not clear what is causing your pain. You may have a local anaesthetic injected at the same time to allow for temporary pain relief and to help locate where your pain is originating from.

Common conditions that could benefit from injection therapy:

  • Oateoarthritis

  • Retrocalcaneal Bursitis

  • Capsulitis

  • Neuroma pain

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Baxter's Nerve Entrapment

  • Sinus Tarsi Syndrome pain

Can anyone have injection therapy?

There are very few reasons people wouldn’t be able to have injection therapy, your podiatrist will discuss this with you as part of your assessment. Your podiatrist would usually need to know if you have had any previous injections, if you had any adverse reactions or allergies to medications, if you are pregnant or if you have an infection.

Risks of injection therapy
*Failure to resolve symptoms
*Bruising (at injection site)
*Rupture of soft tissues (if in very close proximity to injection site)

Risks of steroid injection therapy
*Steroid flare
*Elevated blood glucose if diabetic
*Facial flushing
*Bleeding between usual menstruation patterns

What is OSTENIL® and how does it work?

OSTENIL® is a treatment for the symptoms of osteoarthritis. It can be used in the knee, or in any of the other joints in the body that are classified as 'synovial'

How does OSTENIL® work?

OSTENIL® is a solution containing sodium hyaluronate. It is injected into the space in the joint that contains synovial fluid and works by restoring the normal balance between the breakdown and production of sodium hyaluronate. This procedure is known as 'viscosupplementation', and the effect of OSTENIL® means that it can decrease pain and stiffness and improve the other symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Sodium hyaluronate (also known as hyaluronic acid or hyaluronan) is a natural substance. It is present in the body wherever moisture is stored or lubrication between layers of tissue is required to eliminate friction.

Examples are the vitreous body of the eye itself, the tear film, the joint cartilage, the synovial fluid in the joints, all the mucuous membranes of the body, but also the basic substance of the skin which consists of up to 55% sodium hyaluronate.

How many injections are required?

Ostenil Mini is used for small joints, we might consider Ostenil Plus for an ankle joint.

OSTENIL® MINI: Once a week for a total of 1-3 injections.
OSTENIL® PLUS: This requires just one injection.

You will probably not notice any benefits immediately after the first injection, but you should gradually start to feel less pain and stiffness over the next few weeks. The improvement in your symptoms is likely to persist for several months, depending on the progression of the degenerative change in the joint being treated.

Contact us.

94 Baslow Road  Sheffield United Kingdom S17 4DQ

0114 327 2829